31 May
31 May
8:35 a.m.
Hi Rico,
I'm fiddling with it and when the setup works I will publish it. Frequency purity (phase noise etc) and stability is of paramount importance. A famous Dutch saying states:
"Don't sell the skin before you shot the bear." ;-)
I made a picture of my UMTS pallets, see: http://remco.org/umts.jpg
These are (unfortunately) 26 - 28V modules, obtained from a flea market for . . . 10 Euro each.
Remco PA3FYM
Hi Remco,
Sounds like you made a lot of progress on your Es'HailSat2 groundstation already. I would be interested to learn more about your transverter design and where you got the UMTS PA, and I'm sure some other people on this list too. :)