28 Jul
28 Jul
5:07 p.m.
Hi all from CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU:
The 50th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik is coming up in October, and we are currently working on our October issue. Many of you remember the launch well, and of course, hams were in the vanguard of listening for those beeps from above. We'd like to collect a representative sampling of your first-hand recollections to weave into an article for our October issue. Plus, we'd like to hear if this experience had a significant impact on your choice of careers, etc. - in short, did listening for Sputnik change your life? If so, how?
Please respond as soon as possible by e-mail directly to a special mailbox we've set up at [email protected].
Many thanks in advance and 73,
Rich W2VU