All CW tests were eliminated in the US in 2007. There is no Morse Code (CW) requirement any more.
Of course there's a possibility to learn Morse code which can be learned during a single week but reality says most choose not to do CW any more. What a pity!
Please do everyone everything to bring back telegraphers who would use less bandwidth on satellites then SSB!
To eliminate CW int he exams was a big mistake and the outcome can be heard on VO-52 when SSB operators simply can not recognise Morse code.
May I ask all those who has never heard morse signals to tunu a bit down or higher in case he/she hears unidendified signals int he satellite bands?!
VO-52 is overcrowded which shows the interest in satellite operations.
I do hope AMSAT-DL will pass along P3E -which is said to be ready to start for many years- to start from India!
Anyway, there are fortunately satellite ops in Russia who use CW and do not keep shouting on the back of CW stations!
gl de ha6nn