Now that ANDE has deployed and we have been away from family for too long. We are declaring ANDE a success even though we have a few more steps to complete in the checkout process. But due to the holidays, we are going to secure testing for a few days and open them up to limited USER access:
LIMITED USER digipeating is authorized: 1) ATTENDED operations ONLY 2) Low Dutycyle only. Say once per minute per station 3) NO DIGIPEATING VIA RAFT AT NIGHT 4) Use only the path UNPROTO APRS VIA ANDE-1 or VIA RAFT 5) DIGIpeating via any other aliases on 145.825 not authorized
If you cannot hear these sateliltes PLEASE do not transmit. You are only adding QRM and destroying others ability to use them. Beam antennas appear to be required. Please work on your receive capablity and measure your success by how many packets you can RECEIVE, not by how many times you can hit the bird.
Pace yourselves Enjoy.
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR USNA Satellite Lab