? Is anyone using Ham Radio Deluxe with a pair of older ICOM transceivers IC-271A and IC-471H?? I'm also trying to get the CT-16 satellite interface unit set up with these radios. I had one suggestion to set the dip switches on the interface to (looking at the switches on the box with the buttons up) UDUUUDUU and UUUUUDUU.? Looks like this interface would just dial the other VFO but I would still have to manually move one. It works.
? The only?automated control is?on the Yeasu 5400 rotator via?a Sat688 interface with another tracking program.??If anyone has interfacing suggestions (or has done it!) ?to control?both VFOs as well, please let me know. You're welcome to send emails direct to spare the BB?the extra postings if you?like.
Dave? WS8P? QRP HF AMSAT?? Tnx & 73