For my role with K2B (Virginia), I plan to emphasize linear sats, plan to be ~5kHz +/- QRM from downlink passband top. As with K2A, will give priority on FM birds to rovers.
and VERY EXCITED that all 13 Colonies will be on sats this year!
73 Steve KS1G / K2B 13 Colonies Satellites
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 11:32 AM Peter via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
W2JV will represent NY State as K2A, if there are rover operations active I will only make two contacts and stand aside. If you are a rover station, if you can, please let me know your call. I will be active on all our satellites, thank you.
SPECIAL SATELLITE EVENT 13 COLONIES: http://www.13colonies.us/
This year the organizers have secured all 13 states to participate, we can now claim a “clean sweep” on Satellite
2021 Event Dates / July 1 (9AM Eastern) to July 7 (Midnight Eastern) (July 1, 2021-1300 UTC to July 8, 2021-0400 UTC) YOU DO NOT NEED ALL 13 COLONIES TO GET THE CERTIFICATE YOU DO NOT NEED TO GET THE 2 BONUS STATIONS FOR A CLEAN SWEEP
73 Peter W2JV