On 26 Feb 2007 at 22:05, kc6uqh wrote:
Steve, People still raise and breed horses, but very few ride to work on a horse. The FCC just discovered that you do not need to be able to ride a horse to receive a drivers license to opperate a car!
Art , KC6UQH
Not satisfied to be looking at as "antiques" the CW versus text messaging contest on the Jay Leno tonight show depict to 2 Ham dressed as old 18 century railway telegraphist.
It is hard to prove that some from the very same group are talking on satellites...
But yes i can still copy CW at 15 WPM and i never used to be able to work with a keyer i still have my old radio shack key (the golden one). My coming out...
We all have a bit of "antiques" in each of us but as poison that's the quantity we have in us who is dangerous.
That's probably a better explanation for premature aging than a lack of intense physical an regular body activities as bingo, cards playing, curling, shuffle board and so on...You can add your own one's here :)______________________
Here is the link for the Leno contest. (Click on the blue 9 megabyte blue text line)
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE