I use Ham Radio Deluxe. It is far from perfect. But it does maintain separate logging files for locations, which works for me.
Biggest minus -- I have to manually update the receiving frequency and band for QSOs after they are entered. I have grown tired of alerting the manufacturer to this issue with no satisfaction or audience. Even so, I continue with the product as it "sucks the least".
It integrates very well with LotW. One button click.
-- bag
Bryan KL7CN/W6 AMSAT #23202
On Dec 14, 2015, at 16:25, Mike Seguin [email protected] wrote:
I getting the satellite station (AO-40 class) back in shape after being off for quite a while. Made a dozen contacts today on 4 different birds while testing.
What logging program are folks using now for satellite that supports LoTW?