I have Orbitron and WispDDE 3.4.7 installed on my 32 bitWindows 7 PC and I’m trying to use them to control my Yaesu FT-847 for Dopplershift compensation.
WispDDE CAT control of the FT-847 works but after just afew minutes of operation I notice a discrepancy between the uplink anddownlink frequencies displayed in Orbitron VS the uplink and downlinkfrequencies displayed in WispDDE and on the 847. The longer the software isrunning the larger the discrepancy and after 15 minutes the two are off my over1 MHz.
The other problem I’m seeing is that each time Orbitron andWispDDE send a command to the 847 it interrupts PTT and stops my transmitting.
Can anyone offer any advice or a solution to the above?
I also have an unregistered copy of SatPC 32 installed andwhile it controls the 847 perfectly I prefer the look and feel of Orbitron.