4 Apr
4 Apr
12:30 a.m.
At 12:51 PM 4/4/2008, Mark Vandewettering wrote:
I've been using a TH-D7A and an Arrow antenna. Works great, no problem with desense, and it's fun to use the APRS stuff to bounce packets off ISS, Go-32 and NO-44. It's not the most glamorous, but it works very well for satellites, and I have no hesitation in recommending it for that.
I've always gone the 2 HT route, mainly because I have never owned a full duplex capable HT. I'm another who is a big believer in full duplex operation on the sats. It gives you a LOT more insight into what's happening on the bird. I can operate without full duplex, but I prefer not to.
73 de VK3JED http://vkradio.com