I few days ago now, ANDE-1 and RAFT were simultaneously visible from my QTH...
Since both satellites Tx and Rx on 145.825 MHz, I wondered whether a dual hop is possible. However, it seems that the satellites are configured to prevent this.
Actually, they are intentinoally on the same frequency and they are intended to be dual or even triple hop possible (when PCSAT-1 is working).. Notice that both satelites respond to the same path VIA ARISS. SO you could use the path VIA ARISS,ARISS and get a dual hop. This ia also why we invite any other university or amateur satellite builder to add more spacecraft on this 1200 baud relay channel (with IARU coordination of course).
In fact, it was the dual hop concept that was so exciting. And if you check the ANDE-RAFT OPS web page you will see several dual hops noted between PCSAT-1 and PCSAT2. The problem with ANDE and RAFT are their slightly worse link budgets. ANDE has no external antenna and uses the spacecraft as the antenna. It appears to be about 6 dB worse than PCSAT-1. And RAFT is such a small 5" cube satellite that the 2 meter antennas are less efficient (think HT on rubber duck). SO the chances of dual hops with these two are less when you realize that one satellite has to hear the other (and on the same channel as lots of 50W ground stations)...
HOWEVER, they are in the same orbital plane and every several weeks, RAFT passes right under ANDE. I think within only a few KM. SO dual hops are DEFINITELY possible but more rare than with PCSAT-1 and PCSAT2 which were over 2700 miles apart for our longest dual hop packet to date.
See: http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/ande-raft-ops.html