Hi Jim,
If you will forgive the correction, Reber's callsign was W9GFZ. And while it may be the same club in both places, the call is assigned to the club's address at the observatory in Socorro NM, not WV. (And that's PO Box 'O'... not PO Box 'zero' for anyone wondering like I did.)
I screwed up the link in my previous message, but here it is again, hopefully it will work correctly this time:
Both Janski's and Reber's radio telescopes are on display at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, WV, the home of the world's largest steerable radio telescope. If you ever get near the area, a stop at the facility with its many telescopes and excellent visitor's center is a MUST.The observatory's radio club has been granted Reber's call, W9GVZ, They use it to commemorate radio astronomy in special events. I spent several summers as a physics teacher studying radio astronomy at Green Bank and was able to help operate W9GVZ during a special event at the dedication of the Robert Byrd Telescope in August, 2000. I have to tell you that Green Bank is quite a place. I get back there as often as I can!