G'day Andy, thanks for brief contact and my first on AO-73. Your downlink signal was good and I also heard VK2ZAZ and VK2EVB. I did do some minor uplink doppler corrections during our brief contact but they were very small adjustments. Towards the end of our brief contact your were on the edge of my r.i.t. (+1kHz) then the spacecrafts elevation was to low for me. thanks again cheers VK5EI - Joe
On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 11:35 PM, Andy Kellner [email protected] wrote:
Telemetry came thru loud and clear.
Transponder was strong, however I had to correct uplink frequency to about
- 4 kHz. at the beginning of the pass. Kept changing too, so at the end of
the pass uplink frequency had to be + 5.2 kHz. to hear myself properly; and that is with doppler correction enabled. Normally when keps are correct and doppler is enabled, uplink frequency correction stays stable. Probably 2013-066B not the correct Keps ?
Brief contact with VK5EI, but then lost contact as antennas had to swing around. Also heard VK2ZAZ.
Andy - VK4TH
*From:* vk2mal [email protected] *To:* [email protected] *Sent:* Saturday, 23 November 2013 10:25 PM *Subject:* [amsatvk] Re: FUNcube-1 (AO-73) Transponder Test Saturday November 23
Hi All
Good signals from AO-73 over VK tonight. Stations heard through the transponder were ZL2BX Alan and VK4CBW Wal.
73's Malcolm VK2MAL
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