12 Aug
12 Aug
6:37 p.m.
Dear All,
I notice that the MET was reset too as per the following telemetry copied from ARISSat-1 over West Malaysia:
12 Aug at 1822 MYT (3 deg Elevation) MET - 69min IHU Temp - 42c -Nothing else heard due to strong QSB-
12 Aug at 1955 MYT (57 deg Elevation) MET - 65 min IHU Temp - 42C Control Panel Temp - 31C Battery Voltage - 35.50v Battery Current - ??? (strong QSB)
Sorry for the delay in sending this out, as I was away from the shack. And hope that this will be useful to the command team.
73, Sion, 9M2CQC