--- Tony Langdon [email protected] wrote:
Which means it won't work through an FM transponder. Would need either a linear transponder or a digital repeater.
Existing guidelines would appear to rule out the use of linear satellites for D-Star due to bandwidth and duty cycle considerations. So it appears the mode can't be used on any existing satellites.
This goes back to the concern I was expressing in my original email. New Amateur Digital Voice modes are being developed without any apparent input from the satellite community. A decade from now we could see Amateurs swapping over completely to Digital Voice certainly on VHF/UHF and very possibly also on HF. If Amateurs cannot use their commercial Digital Voice radios on the satellites we could have a major problem in recruiting new satellite operators.
I note ARRL are seeking comment on the development of a new open-source data communications protocol suitable for HF, see
73 Trevor M5AKA
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