On 6/30/2016 09:43, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
The voice beacon "Hi, this is amateur radio satellite Fox-1" is transmitted when the transponder has not been keyed up for three minutes.
FWIW, that's two minutes after the hang timer (downlink) stops and every two minutes thereafter until the hang timer is activated again by receiving an uplink signal. If the hang timer is activated during the ID, the ID will stop. Also in Safe Mode, the ID is every two minutes. For those of you keeping score, it's actually about every 2 minutes 11 seconds from the start of the previous ID because the two minute timer starts after the completion of the ~11 second ID. Each ID whether Transponder Mode or Safe Mode contains one current telemetry frame and one high or low telemetry frame, with the high/low alternating each ID (Current/High, Current/Low, etc.) There are no experiment frames in the voice ID telemetry. There is no voice ID in Data Mode. The first (current) telemetry frame is sent prior to the ID audio to help ensure that it can be decoded if there are problems. The voice ID commences at the second (high or low) telemetry frame. Each ID allows a second or so for the "Fox Tail" to come up to the downlink frequency and then pauses about 1/2 second prior to beginning the telemetry/announcement so that a "dead carrier" is transmitted for Doppler sensing as part of an experiment that Douglas Quagliana KA2UPW/5 is working on in a future ground application.
Veronica will be present on all four of the Fox-1 FM satellite series.
Maybe we should have a contest or award, capture/transcribe all eight Transponder Mode/Safe Mode voice IDs (they are all different, each of the four Fox-1 FM satellites) for bonus recognition as a hard core satellite nerd! :-)
Jerry Buxton, NØJY