I was on the 1735Z pass today and finally saw the PSAT telemetry signal but it was not strong enough to decode well (with DM780) even though it was a very high pass. I don't think the beacon came on due to receiving my signal however. I saw a couple of other PSK signals either side of 2000 KHz in the passband but they were also weak. I called CQ before, during and after the pass to see if my signal would appear on the waterfall (I am using DopplerPSK to transmit so I am full duplex). But, neither PSAT nor BRICSAT are hearing me (running 25 watts to a Windom that otherwise does a remarkable job).
I am also seeing some conflict in the AOS/LOS times between SatPC32 and HRD SatTracker. Both are using identical TLEs for NO-84 - I compared the TLE lines in both files character by character. I am using catalog number 40654 for NO-84 in both programs and have my location data entered identically in both. SatPC32 shows the NO-84 AOS about 8 minutes behind the HRD NO-84 AOS and I believe SatPC32 is correct based on the signals I heard. Does anyone have any guidance for getting these times sync-ed up?
Thanks in advance.