25 Aug
25 Aug
3:38 p.m.
On Tue, August 25, 2009 19:45, i8cvs wrote:
When I turn the azimuth antenna, then the pointer gives an other value than when I don't turn the antenna.
Hi Jan, PE0SAT
Hi Domenico,
As allways you give great answers :))
Connect a voltmeter between terminals A1 and A3 of the control box The voltage across the 500 ohm potentiometer into the azimuth rotator must remain constant at about 6 volt while turning the azimuth.
There is 9.2 volt DC :( looks that the 7806 is defect. But one thing that puzzles me, i don't see a connection from the negative site of the ac-dc diode bridge to ground.
i8CVS Domenico
73's Jan