For what it's worth, you may not be as forward as I am...
On our last cruise (in 2008) I just took my HT and Arrow with me, called the Purser and asked to speak with the Radio Officer for permission to operate. I believe it was the next day that I spoke with them and described what I was using and what bands, they gave me permission and I went to work making satellite contacts.
At that time, their primary concern was power, frequency, and whether my antenna would bother any other passengers. Princess Cruise Lines.
73, Jerry NØJY
Can we nail down all the cruise ships that prohibit it and those that allow it into a single document. Then provide a link to it on the AMSAT web page?
This topic comes up over and over, and someday when I retire, I too am going to want to go on cruise, AND take ham radio along, and so I too will be asking this question.
So this is a good INFO topic that we need to collectively nail down, and then get it permanently posted on the AMSAT web page...
Thanks... Then we can UPDATE it as new info comes in (everyone write their cruise ship and indicate you're not taking their cruise if you cannot bring your radio)...