And Andy saith: " Perhaps I should move to Minnesota..."
The only thing I can say about that is we don't get the constant 100 mph winds in a storm...except with straight line, down draft winds from a supercell and then there is the crap shoot of tornado's and 50 mph north winds in January with blizzard conditions and windchill at -50 deg F.... Your going to get it either place Andy, keep the Amsat net going from down there, but come up for a visit, the fall is great and the armed police from the RNC have left...
Dave, WB7DRU & Navy Mars NNN0AXK Burnsville, MN
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Andy MacAllister Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 11:42 PM To: 'AMSAT BBS' Subject: [amsat-bb] Andy W5ACM is fine - Re: BOD and President
Hi Bruce & AMSAT,
I won't attempt to comment on ducks and such, but will report that all is OK
at W5ACM. I will be ready for the Houston AMSAT Net tomorrow evening, but with a rather diminished 2M antenna. Prior to the arrival of Ike, I took everything down except for a dual-band (20M & 40M) inverted V and put a 2M ground plane in place of the 2M, 70cm, 23cm, 13cm and 10M satellite antennas. It's not pretty, but it survived the winds. That's a lot more than
I can say for a short section of yard fence and about half of an 80 ft tree in the front yard. I have spent a lot of time playing with generators, inverters and electric chain saws. It's back to work as usual, but there are
still a lot of lose ends on the home front. At least I have intermittant water and electricity most of the time. The phone and internet connections come and go, but they are mostly good. Out on the streets, the gas lines are
not bad, but they exist. About 20% of the traffic lights work, another 20% are blinking red. The rest are dark. There are lots of dark areas at night, exploding transformers and sirens. It's amazing stuff! I now get credit for being in Houston for Carla (1961), Alicia (1983) and Ike (2008). Perhaps I should move to Minnesota...
Now we need to hear from Marty. I hope his twisted pair works...
I will see you on the Houston AMSAT Net! http://www.amsatnet.com
73 de Andy W5ACM http://www.w5acm.net
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