OSCAR VI used the metal from a pocket tape measure for the 10-meter antenna. This was folded and was held in this position until the release was activated from the ground. When released, the antenna "deployed", sticking straight out from two sides of the satellite. The QSL cards for receiving OSCAR VI even had the "inches" scale showing on the satellite graphics. This use of "common" items was definitely mentioned in the articles about the satellite.
A tape measure is designed to hold straight until "reeled" in and this worked beautifully for the satellite. Not only was it functional, it was VERY inexpensive.
Glen, K9STH
Website: http://k9sth.com
--- On Wed, 12/30/09, Greg D. [email protected] wrote:
But a question that has always nagged me... Perhaps someone on the BB knows the answer?
I understand that the early Oscars got their ride into space by replacing a piece of concrete (or similar dead weight material) with our satellite. That's why they have the shape that they do (looking like a segment of a ring).
But what about the antenna? Was it deployed after launch, or did it ride into space already sticking out the side? An on-orbit deploy would have been excessively complicated for that era (it's even difficult today!), but I can't see something like that surviving launch intact, either.
Anybody know?