13 Sep
13 Sep
4:28 p.m.
If you use: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ftp/keps/current/nasa.all you will have all the active amateur satellites, as well as DO-64.
73 de W4AS Sebastian
On Sep 13, 2008, at 3:33 PM, Bill Ress wrote:
I use SatScape and you need to update the "amateur.txt" file (which is in the SatScape folder) with the keps for DO-64 using the keps provided here on the list by Ray Hoad. Many satellite keps come with SatScape when you down load the program but it might not be up to date with DO-64 so its best to update them with Ray's posting.
If I've confused you even more, contact me off the list and I'll walk you through the very simple process.
Regards...Bill - N6GHz