" Some day it would be fun to build one from a Raspberry Pi. <Puts at the bottom of long list...> "
Just fyi - it was pretty straight-forward to implement a small Arduino based CAT controller for a old Cornell Dublier Azimuth rotator. The motor driver uses a off-the-shelf transformer to power the motor and is opto-isolated from the Arduino. The unit connects to the laptop via a USB cable, and works very nicely with SatPC32 as well as HRD. I plan to add a 2 line LCD display, just for kicks, although it is not really needed.
On Friday, March 8, 2019, 11:37:52 AM PST, Burns Fisher [email protected] wrote:
I believe there are no AMSAT LVB trackers available new. But the Fox-Delta is supposed to be a sort of clone if I remember right. LVB works fine with SatPC32. Some day it would be fun to build one from a Raspberry Pi. <Puts at the bottom of long list...>