Thanks for N8HM for posting my DM77 operation announcement yesterday. It was a very last-minute trip but went over very well. I made 25 contacts on FO-29 and 14 on SO-50. I attribute that number of contacts to it being a U.S. Holiday (Independence Day.) Both satellite passes were very orderly and it was nice to get a few new stations in my log.
We had been in very mountainous terrain during the trip to the destination grid. Fortunately DM77ab was just east of Antonito, Colorado in a high valley. My GPS was reading an elevation of 7,864' at my operating location. Using 4 elements on 70cm and 2 elements on 2m, I was able to work both satellites down to the horizon.
All of the contacts have been uploaded to Logbook of the World.
73 Clayton W5PFG