I don't know the fellow, just passing it along to the bb
73 Bob W7LRD ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 10:30:29 AM Subject: [PNWVHFS] FOR SALE: CONTEST STATION 222 MHz / 1.2 GHz. (UPDATED)
Everything sold... but the Icom IC-910H... Tnx. to all. Icom IC-910H...( Loaded) 1.2 GHz. band unit, (2) UT-106 DSP board main and sub, CR-293 High stability crystal unit, MB-23 Carrying Handle. It in Mint condition, no scratches,dents,rub marks... still has the plastic on display. It comes with the box, manual,12 volt pwr cord, hand microphone. $1500.00 W6PQL... 1.2 GHz. Solid State Power Amplifier 7 watts of drive 100 (SOLD) watts output , built in 28 volt power supply, dc amp meter, full protection SWR antenna fault. Like new... $1150.00 SSB Electronic SP-23 1296 MHz mast mounted pre amp... 10 watts VOX (SOLD) 100watts PTT 0.9 NF 20 db gain. $325.00 (2) M2 23cm35 antennas... 35 elements ea. with power divider... In (SOLD) good shape. $300.00 SSB Electronic... DCW 2004 -SHF sequence controller ( New Model ) (SOLD) $100.00
SSB Electronic ... DCW 15 B sequence controller $80.00 (SOLD) Down East Microwave ... 222 MHz. Transverter set up for the Icom (SOLD) 756PRO 1,2,or 3 Plug and play. 25 watts output. Just service at D.E.M $300.00 (2) SSB Electronic .... SP-220 Mast Mounted pre amp... 200 watts ( BOTH SOLD) VOX 650 watts PTT 0.9 NF 10-20 db gain $175.00 ea. M2 7WL 222 antenna ... Like new been up 1 yr. $160.00 (SOLD) TE System 2252G Power Amplifier ... 25 watts in 235 output with (SOLD) pre amp $450.00 All prices don't include shipping from 92344 7 3 de N6EQ Chuck (760) 948-9025 ____________________________________________________________ Mortgage Rates Hit 3.25% If you owe under $729k you probably qualify for Obama's Refi Program http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL3141/4c8fb150db9bcbf331cst04vuc