Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It looks like the telemetry server had a slight hiccup. Telemetry was still being accepted and was saved, but the web pages were not being updated.
I gave the telemetry server a gentle nudge. It has started updating the web pages again.
The received telemetry will be uploaded to the telemetry archives shortly.
73, Douglas KA2UPW/5
-----Original Message----- From: Carl Rimmer W8KRF [email protected] To: amsat-bb [email protected] Sent: Thu, Oct 27, 2011 6:48 pm Subject: [amsat-bb] ARISSATTLM Website
It appears that the TLM website is not being updated. I have been
submitting frames for the past three passes today (10/27) and the
website is still showing frames from 0159UTC. Does anyone know the
status of the live update server?