24 Dec
24 Dec
1:57 p.m.
Was able to copy a few packets this pass, too bad none of them were tlm...
Rx: fm ANDE-2 to APRS1-0 via SGATE-0 UI pid=F0 :BLN1ANDE :ANDE-1 only wakes up 1 of evry 15s for users. Pse conserve.
Rx: fm VE4NSA-0 to CQ-0 via ANDE-1 UI pid=F0 =4958.81N/09701.36W->73' Via Satellite, EN19lx, Manitoba {UISS51}
Rx: fm N8FQ-0 to T2UY6W-0 via ANDE-1 UI pid=F0 `r_Il .y/
Note the first packet. I wasn't aware that there was anyone in NA that could activate side B, so seeing a beacon from ANDE-2 is quite a surprise. Am I mistaken, or did -2 turn itself on somehow?
Temps are still climbing, but very slowly...
-Joe, N8FQ