Hi all! Between changing and feeding my two very small children, I'm spending quality time with my station and Fun Cube Dongle. Listening around, I find UO-11 still transmitting what appears to be telemetry. My software modem won't decode it. I suspect that the telemetry frames are not in compliance with AX.25, therefore ignored. There is a way to disable the CRC in this particular modem. Haven't tried that yet.
What type of modem is used to receive UO-11? The internet suggests converting a telephone type unit. I remember turning down a boxful of 1200 baud modems. Ham radio is a pack rat/hoarder's hobby.
Why does the 1200 baud AFSK signal from UO-11 look MUCH different than, say, the RF envelope developed by the ISS packet transmitter? Can illustrate this with little trouble.
Trawling the net revealed a piece of software written by Doug, KA2UPW, a few years ago that (surprisingly!!) runs on Win7. It processes audio files recorded at 11k sample rate with a word size of 8 (!) bits. It does say Beta.
Have listened up for ANTELsat. Strong on 437.575 (Not the published primary freq of 437.28!). Managed to collect a few frames of telemetry. Supposedly the payload will start xmission of a SSTV picture in martin1 given the correct (published) 1200 baud AX.25 signal on it's VHF command channel. Google for the engineering document the team prepared for general users.
Still trying to decode received frames from ANTELsat. They (all four I got over two days, two kinds say the manual!) break the decoders available. One particular word gives the status of the SSTV experiment. Probably should try it by hand.
Norm n3ykf