You might be interested in the SRT (Student Radio Telescope) activity initiated by the Haystack Observatory. Take a look at It is based on a 7' (or larger) TVRO dish and the web site contains technical details and suggested projects. About 100 high schools and colleges and a few intrepid amateurs have made SRTs. All the hardware and software for the SRT is open source. Also note the SRT bulletin board at
For folks who want to purchase SRT hardware, check out; however I note that the last time I checked with Cassi, their delivery times were ~6 months.
CASSI makes a nice az-el antenna mount and Haystack has also used the Polish Alfa-Spid rotor (VE6JY and Both use DC motors which provides for high torque at a slow, steady drive speed. You might be interested in the az-el positioning controller for ~24VDC motors -- just click on "Upgraded Ground Controller" at While there, also pick up the Functional Block Diagram to get an idea of the scope of the project.
By way of "truth in advertising", I have had a strong professional tie with Haystack and their projects for 35+ years -- especially in VLBI and Geodesy areas (see, and I now serve on their Board of Trustees, so don't expect me say anything bad!
73. Tom