Dear all,

This is just to inform you that our GENESIS-A module is already on its way to Kourou, French Guiana, to be launched on the inaugural flight of the Ariane-6. We remind you that this module is also integrated into the YPSat module, which is fixed to the second stage of the launcher, so it will fall with it. Their transmissions will be carried out during the ballistic trajectory of the stage until re-entry.

Here you can see a picture of the module:

And here another one of the module integrated in YPSat:
There are 2 types of transmissions that will be carried out:

- FT8
- SSTV Robot 36
The apparent radiated power of such transmissions is less than -8 dBm (75 uW)
FT8 transmissions are made every 16 seconds, while SSTV's are every 5 minutes. The first transmission after power on is from SSTV.
The working frequencies are as follows:
144.175 MHz FT8 Mode:
- Callsign AO4ARI HO60 if the antenna has been deployed
- Callsign AO4ARI HO61 if the antenna has not been deployed
144.550 MHz SSTV Robot 36 mode with live image and 'Hades' text

These frequencies have been allowed by IARU due to the short duration of the mission (hours) and the extremely low power.
A carrier with a frequency of 144.550 MHz (same frequency as SSTV) is left between FT8 tones.

After activation by the YPSat Wake Up module, powered by the Ariane-6, GENESIS-A waits 4860 seconds (81 minutes) before proceeding to deploy the antenna for 30 seconds, after which time transmissions begin.
The antenna deployment continues to be attempted every 10 minutes, without checking.
You have this information compiled in PDF in the following document on the website:

We are aware that it is going to be very difficult to receive something but higher power was not allowed by Ariane as GENESIS-A will be transmitting at the same time as the launcher stage.


Félix EA4GQS