Hi Pete,
So, you're probably not intending to have this be a trick question... The oldest one that's still working is Oscar-7. The oldest one that's still in orbit is - hmmm, not sure. I know the very first ones, Oscar-1, et al, as well as many many more modern ones stopped working long ago, but how many of them have re-entered?
Then there's the Moon (Oscar-zero)...
Greg KO6TH
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2010 11:28:38 -0500 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] HAM RADIO UNIVERSITY
I not available to work the SO-50, 1/10, 15:09 UTC pass for my HRU demo,
I'm needed as part of a panel discussion. I plan to work the 18:50UTC pass of AO-27, thank you.
Trivia: What is the oldest Amateur Satellite in orbit?? I'm preparing for my talk and I'm learning..
73, Pete, WB2OQQ
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