Hi all!
Here is a tentative plan for my satellite operating on Saturday 31 May (into early Sunday 1 June, UTC)...
From the Prescott (Arizona) hamfest in grid DM34...
1439-1454 UTC - AO-51 145.920/435.300 MHz FM repeater 1619-1631 UTC - AO-51 145.920/435.300 MHz FM repeater
I hope to hear - and work - some of the other hamfests that will have stations on the air.
I may also be able to try a VO-52 pass at 1754-1807 UTC, as I will have a portable all-mode satellite station at the hamfest. If you hear me on VO-52, please be patient with me. I am not set up for computer control of my radios (FT-817ND for TX, AOR AR8200Mk2B for RX) yet. I know this setup is good enough to put signals through VO-52 from earlier tests.
From the hamfest or somewhere else in the Prescott area, still
in grid DM34...
2128-2135 UTC - AO-27 2136-2148 UTC - SO-50
From somewhere in grid DM35 or possibly on the DM34/DM35 grid
boundary north of Prescott near the I-40 freeway...
2308-2315 UTC - AO-27 2315-2329 UTC - SO-50
I should have more than enough time to work these two passes at the DM34/DM35 boundary where I operated from on 19 April:
since this would leave me more than 2 hours to make the 110-mile/177km drive from that spot to Kingman for the evening AO-51 passes.
From the DM25/DM35 grid boundary, in or near Kingman AZ...
0149-0204 UTC - AO-51 145.880/435.150 MHz FM repeater 0329-0342 UTC - AO-51 145.880/435.150 MHz FM repeater
Since the two V/U FM repeater configuration on AO-51 is active, I'm hoping to put it to some good use for these passes while I am in an area with little satellite activity.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/