The fact that not everyone has E-Mail or access to a computer necessitates having a mail-in alternative to on-line voting. It would not be that hard to amend the by-laws to allow either method of voting.
Having a serial number on the mailing label of the newsletter allows either method to be used without the expense of mailing ballots and the manpower to tabulate the paper ballots. Yes, there will still be a relatively few paper type ballots sent in. However, the small number of those ballots would be easily handled by a single person.
All that would be involved is to come up with a computer program that recognizes the serial number and that allows the serial number to be used only 1-time. I am sure that there are organization members who can write such a program virtually blindfolded and at no cost to AMSAT.
I have been a member of AMSAT since the 2nd month of the establishment of the organization and definitely am in favor of things that can reduce the administrative costs of the organization. Glen, K9STH
AMSAT 239 / LM063
Website: http://k9sth.net
From: Jerry Buxton [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 12:20 PM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] 2018 Corrected AMSAT Board of Directors Ballots
True, and like it or not, "not everybody has email".