Hi Zach KJ4QLP I am probably the less qualified person to answer your questions so I'll be short: 1) HamTv during last month and now is ALWAYS ON at 2395 MHz with blank signal apart during some ARISS contact like next monday when you can see live transmision. 2) more info here HAM Video
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| | | | HAM Video By Super User | |
3) I normaly receive HamTv from ISS with 1.2m prime focus dish, your 3m dish will give you a better signal when ISS is low but you need a real precise and fast tracking system 4) I have an ISS HamTv I/Q file and if you need it, just shout
73 Fer IW1DTU
On Saturday, May 7, 2016 4:14 PM, Zach Leffke [email protected] wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I noticed that the Monday, 20160509, 0926 UTC planned ARISS contact with The Kings School in the UK says to watch for the HamTV transmitter. Does anyone know any more details about the HamTV side of this? More specifically, it looks like just before the UK contact (descending pass) there will be a good pass over the Eastern US (ascending pass). What are the chances that the HamTV transmitter will be active during the pass over the US? Do they turn the HamTV transmitter on early? Also, I know they have 4 downlink frequency options and two operating modes. Does anyone know which frequency and which mode will be selected on Monday? In the same vein, does anyone know of a good webpage or other resource for determining the operating schedule of the HamTV transmitter or is the upcoming contacts page on the ARISS site the best place?
We recently got our 3.0m Dish and S-Band receiver systems installed in the VTGS and I was hoping to get up early Monday morning and attempt to record the HamTV transmission as ISS passes over the US on its way to the UK for the planned ARISS contact. Hopefully, if I can get a clean IQ recording of the HamTV transmission, we can use the recording to begin developing our GNU Radio DVB-S demodulators to extract the video stream.
Any and all info would be appreciated.
-Zach, KJ4QLP