I am still looking for your reason on why you state "This is actually more important than it sounds...(grin)"
Well, we all strive to be correct in our research and writings. And I am finding it very interesting that the older the articles I find, the greater percentage cite "Orbital."
And as an editor and student of the use of the English language, I can envision an uninformed editor or proofreader "mis-editing" a submission of "Orbital" to "Orbiting..."
I use this in my presentations as a "trivia" question: "OSCAR is an acronym - what does it stand for?"
I think the maintainance of the true, historical record is important. And would respect those SKs who have passed on since their OSCAR ventures...May I browse through those 26 boxes next time I'm in the San Jose area???
Thank you...
Clint, K6LCS