I actually took the time to set the home location to the GPS coordinates of K7IVM as the home location and I took a screen shot from the website when I was preparing last Tuesday. It clearly shows the home location somewhere near Millville, UT and the AOS being 20-30 seconds before 18:42. Pulling up that same pass today, I see the AOS is 18:45:40 and it still shows the house on K7IVM's location near Millville. I'm pretty certain they've updated their prediction, but I'm just not sure if their earlier prediction was based on a less reliable or older source than the original ARISS announcement, or if the ARISS announcement, when it was first written up (since I've never seen the time waiver) was just lucky to be closer to these more recent predictions from N2YO. I'm not sure where they get their information from, but I just found it a curiosity as I can imagine ARISS having access to more insider info like future burns than would be in public TLEs.
-Loren K7IW
On Sun, Feb 5, 2023, 03:50 Mark Johns, K0JM [email protected] wrote:
N2YO is giving you the AOS time for. your location -- assuming you have it set up properly. ARISS is giving the time for the contacting ground station. I'm not sure how much time ARISS schedules after AOS to begin the contact. -- Mark D. Johns, KØJM AMSAT Ambassador & News Service Editor Brooklyn Park, MN USA EN35hd
"Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in." ---Mark Twain
On Sun, Feb 5, 2023 at 12:50 AM Loren M. Lang via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Are the questions for Tuesday's ISS School contact posted somewhere or possibly a live feed?
Also, I had noticed last week that the beginning of contact time as predicted on N2YO.com was about 4 minutes earlier than the ARISS bulletin had it. Now that it's a few days later, N2YO has an updated AOS time that is much closer to the time on ARISS which hasn't changed. I originally assumed that N2YO would be more accurate than the time posted on a static timeline, but now I'm wondering if ARISS has more insider details than are available from the public TLEs or if N2YO was just using an older data source.
-Loren K7IW
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