Hi Paulo,
I recommend you do that...
Apply, seek out audiences, win the opportunity. Here's my experience of some very enjoyable times.
I applied for a SAREX contact about 20 years ago. We did the contact from the Local Planetarium I worked at...Dr Ron Parise WA4SIR was the astronaut we spoke to... http://www.arrl.org/news/ronald-a-parise-wa4sir-sk I remember it like yesterday. STS-67 was the shuttle mission. AOS brings the moment of truth, will the plan work ? It did for us...11 students asked their own question 10 heard answers before LOS. The backup equipment not needed that day. I think it was 10 scouts, if not 11, each got to ask a question twice. Audience of about 50 packed in a small auditorium. No YouTube in 2005 nor video camera in every pocket...
Then, 2 years I was on the team that did the ARISS contact from K2BSA at the US National Scouting Jamboree. I had the privilege to call Maj. Luca Parmitano at AOS to establish the contact. The most tense moment of after about 2 years of work. The plan worked that day also. Audience of 100 outdoors that day. It's on YouTube. http://youtu.be/yzDNMetelH8 contact established at 4:00 in the video. I'm seated at the table. We worked every satellite pass for 7 days to ensure we had a good station. This is weak signal work. (It's not perfect) Paul AA4ZZ is standing by the table next to me. Also Ron Wood WA0BRO was instrumental in our sat station. We has a great team led by Jim K5ND (also on the video), I say this because you will enjoy the folks you share this passion with...and it takes a team. My application is in to go do it again in July 2017
I find this is highly addictive activity. Vast amounts of work and preparation with 1 chance for success (always in front of an audience), with amazing satisfaction / reward.
Be encouraged to pursue more of this activity. There's great spirit in Amateur Radio to be enjoyed in the teamwork. While I describe this, I want to be careful to say, it's not about me. It's about the team, it's about providing the opportunity for students to talk to an astronaut via our hobby/passion, Amateur Radio.
Now I feel like its time to say, Class dismissed. (Grin)
Thanks, 73 Mike W4UOO
On Jul 2, 2015, at 5:59 AM, "Paulo PV8DX" [email protected] wrote:
Hi John
Really. The spirit of amateur radio. It is interesting to hear the astronaut answers. Imagine actively participate. I managed with great effort to accomplish here ARISS last year. With exceptional assistance of the Canadian team.
The work is hard. But we have a huge satisfaction inform our Hobby can provide an event of this.
I was motivated to enroll another school. And now I want a Boy Scout group.
I encourage those who can.
73 de Paulo PV8DX LABRE/ARRL AMSAT-BR member FJ92pt - VUCC SAT www.labre-rr.org [email protected] [email protected]
-----Mensagem Original----- From: Stefan Wagener Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2015 9:02 PM To: John Brier Cc: AMSAT BB Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Video of reception of ISS Tulsa CC ARISS contact from Raleigh, NC
Hi John,
that realization and your own response shows class and true ham spirit!
Thank you!
Stefan, VE4NSA
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 6:51 PM, John Brier [email protected] wrote:
On second thought, I probably shouldn't have called the ISS after I thought this contact was over. These ARISS contacts are complicated and highly coordinated and if random hams are trying to call the ISS, even though the scheduled contacts use confidential uplink frequencies and not the public uplink, you never know if it could confuse or interfere with an astronaut or cosmonaut who isn't trained primarily to make these contacts with schools. Afterall, they are done during their free time, and if it becomes exceedingly difficult to make contacts with schools and there is little reward, they are more likely to not provide the time to do it at all. I recommend not trying to call the ISS before, during, or after an official ARISS contact.
If you really want to make contact, you could encourage a local school to submit an application, work with them as a mentor, and be the first person who initiates the contact before handing the mic over to the students. Such a good idea I might even do it myself.
John Brier, KG4AKV, Raleigh, NC, FM05
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 4:45 PM, John Brier [email protected] wrote:
Unedited video from my phone of today's International Space Station (ISS) contact with Tulsa Community College in Tulsa, Oklahoma as received in Raleigh, North Carolina on top of a landfill park. At some point I hope to edit the video from my digital SLR together with this video from my phone plus the voice recorder audio from my radio.
0:39 - beginning of reception 5:30 - ending of school contact and beginning of me unsuccessfully calling the ISS 7:55 - clearing and giving up 8:18 - explanation of situation/setup
My reception of the ISS begins with Cosmonaut Gennady Padalka answering question number five from the list of prepared questions (see below). You won't be able to hear the students because they are too far away and they keep the uplink frequency confidential to avoid anyone trying to hijack the contact opportunity. The contact ends with them trying to ask question number 13, but it was apparently too noisy for Padalka to hear.
- What are some things that you go through to be trained to become an
- What is the maximum amount of time recommended to be on the ISS due
to lack of gravity?
- Is it hard to integrate with other crew members that live on board
the space station?
- How do you keep a look out for space debris and how do you respond
to avoid a possible collision?
Does each crew member work on the same experiments?
Of the current experiments, how many do you expect to complete
while you are onboard the International Space Station?
- What hobby or pass time items are you allowed to take on board the
ISS from home?
What is the most interesting looking country from space?
What is the largest space object that has hit the ISS?
Full details of the contact as provided by Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS):
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Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb