I am looking for the "easy way out" here. I've loaded up the current Celestrak keps for the new satellites. Names have now been assigned to KKS-1 and PRISM (amongst others).
Several days ago I was copying KKS-1 and PRISM with significant separation in time. Suddenly the new keps have them orbiting much closer. Since I copy in FM I have to translate a recorded signal on audio software. This morning I copied (per the new keps) what I thought was KKS-1 and then switched over to PRISM. I experienced "fading" on both birds.
Later "translation" of the first CW signals revealed the following:
609/01/2403:17:00 609/01/2403:17:00 609/01/2403:17:00 ,,,,, etc etc.
This data does not resemble previous KKS-1 beacons I have copied although the time and freq. appears very close to the new KEPS. Certainly, I will continue to investigate but perhaps someone already knows the answer/s??
Mahalo for your kokua (Thanks for your help)
Respectfully, robert, NH7WN Honolulu