Hi folks, I'm new to the list (KD7OFR) and thought I'd introduce myself now, even though this is somewhat off-topic. I've been trolling for a week or so now on the list.
I own an OLPC/XO but have never used APRS, although I'd like to participate in this mapping. I notice that the west coast is conspicuously empty. I live in Oakland and work in San Francisco, and two of my friends/coworkers own OLPCs as well (one of them is scheduled to become a ham soon).
Are there really just that many more active hams on the east coast? It seems hard to believe. I'm in my mid-20s and have been licensed since I was 19. Is this indicative of a larger social trend within the amateur radio community? I work in the tech sector and while there are plenty of very technical folks in their mid-20s through their mid-40s, none in the software engineering group I work in are licensed amateur radio operators, sans one other guy (on a team of over 20), even though there seems to be at least a casual interest in it by many members of my team. I am of course encouraging them to get licensed and emphasizing that getting one's technician ticket isn't exactly difficult ;-)
I'm concerned there's not much outreach going on by the most active sector of the amateur radio community. Can anyone speak to that? Perhaps I'm completely off-base, but from my perspective, there seems to be a slight bit of reserved apathy. I myself would love to teach teenagers about amateur radio.
I live a few blocks from Oakland Technical High School (http://www.oaklandtech.com ) and think introducing disadvantaged kids to amateur radio would be a great way to emphasize that there's a world outside of the city of oakland borders via a very real and tangible activity, while at the same time teaching some basic technical skills in the process. Communicating with people and objects zooming through space is not something one would normally otherwise ever do ;-)
I myself am attempting to start a social event/group which is intended to bring together some of t
I hope you will all forgive my meandering first message to the list, but I'd love to hear all your thoughts on the matter. Feel free to reply off-list if you are uncomfortable with the level of off-topic- ness. This subject may even deserve its own mailing list. Anyone else interested in the subject? I can host an ML. Are there any organizations who teach kids/teenagers/young adults about amateur radio in a holistic manner? if so, I'd love to hear about them!
Send me your thoughts, Alex Perez (KD7OFR)
On Jan 8, 2008, at 8:53 AM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
OK, the first XO laptops are starting to show on the APRS system. I have added a link to Steve Dimse's FINDU.COM that can selectively display them.
Bob, Wb4APR
-----Original Message----- From: Bob Bruninga [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 10:21 PM To: [email protected]; TAPR APRS Mailing List; 'Paul
Cc: [email protected] Subject: OLPC positions and MESH-ing
In the DC area, I think we have several Hams with XO's. Maybe we should schedule a meeting and show-and-tell so that everyone can benefit from the fruits of our efforts?
Actually, I would like to build a map of all HAMS with OLPC's to help us play and possibly MESH together.. The map will include both your home and work locations which are two places where you might have your OLPC laptop for meshing. If you are retired, then include any other place you may
Just email me your CALL, and LAT/LONGs for both of your locations. If you have other daily locations you may add them too. ALso indicate how many OLPC's you have. Here is the preferred format:
WB4APR:3909.12N/07629.34Wl Home, with access to 3 OLPC's
The LAT/LONG is in DEG and decimal minutes. The two spaces after the decimal points are for hundredths of minutes. If you replace them with two spaces, then your position can remain ambiguous to the nearest mile, if you like. The "l" (lower case L) after the W is the laptop symbol. Everything after that is free text to describe your OLPC.
Those that are into APRS can go ahead and just change your normal APRS station to the LAPTOP symbol for the next week or so, and I can capture your posit that way electronically.
TO make it easy to compute the centroid of local OLPC's, everyone could beacon their position on APRS using the LAPTOP symbol with a note about their OLPC. Then we can pick the centroid to plan a meeting...
Thanks! Bob, WB4APR
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