On 9/28/13, Bryce Salmi [email protected] wrote:
I was watching the Canadian Space Agencies BROLL video of the CASSIOPE satellite due to launch in a few days and noticed a neat antenna. The video link below starts at the appropriate point in the video (feel free to watch the whole video too). For what looks like it is essentially steel tape measure metal... that's quite an intense antenna and deployment! I'm used to seeing these on cubesats and other small satellites but this is very neat to see too.
It looks like it's the descendant of what was used on Canada's first satellite, Alouette-1:
http://www.spacenet.on.ca/data/pages/canada-in-space/alouette.html http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/satellites/alouette.asp
Many years ago, there was a documentary about the early days of Canada's satellite program and I remember this was mentioned. Unfortunately, I don't remember what the name was.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL