On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 14:23:49 -0600, Wayne Estes wrote:
Computers are also extremely noisy! When operating HF I never use a computer, every one I have ever had or used, adds at least 10 DB to the noise floor.
I use an old IBM PS/2 Server 95 (microchannel) computer w/IBM 6091-19i workstation monitor for logging. It won't run modern games, but it's the most RFI-tight computer I've ever seen.
An AM "Walkman" type of portable radio can be handy for DFing RFI. The loopstick antenna has very sharp nulls. "Calibrate" it using a signal from an AM broadcast station with known (local) location.
-- Ham Radio NU0C TR7/RV7, TR6/RV6, T4XC/R4C, L4B, NCL2000, SB104A, R390A, GT550A/RV550A, HyGain 3750, IBM PS/2 - all vintage, all the time!
HyGain 3750 User's Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HyGain_3750/