On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 06:36:37 -0500 (CDT), "Alan Sieg WB5RMG" [email protected] said:
It has always seemed to me that some of the best protection we have had, is in the simple fact that a moving target is less likely to be of value or interest to pirates. Our feeble low-powered, fast-moving, doppler- shifting transponders are not very attractive targets for freeloaders. Just like internet hackers, they are not interested in a 386 w/4MB ram. Something like an antique Navy GEO with lots of power is an easy mark.
Common sense, well written. Thanks Alan.
I'm not suggesting we only deploy obscure low-power LEO birds, but the higher we push the frequencies, and stay in motion, the less attention we attract. As much convenience as GEO offers, it would also bring a following of pirates. A GTO like AO-13 that requires at least scheduled pointing, would likely not be seen as such an easy mark. A small flock of APRS birds like BobB mentions would probably not appear of much interest to pirates either.
Or... it's time to finally realize that all encryption in Amateur Radio isn't "bad" and start working toward rules that allow for encryption for purposes of authentication for users on Amateur frequencies. AMSAT and the international community of Satellite Amateurs already has this exemption for command/control of the birds, and has had it in the U.S. FCC regulations for a very long time. But it's probably time to "move on" and start developing the political will to add in appropriately worded encryption allowances for all to use for specific purposes, like authentication/access to our infrastructure -- whatever that might be... a satellite, a repeater, whatever we CHOOSE to use it for, as long as it's limited to the authentication, and not for encryption of the CONTENTS of the communication.
Part 97 is "close", but not quite there yet. Not sure there's enough political will to (yet) make it happen, either.
Can't really attempt to create a "clearinghouse" of authentication information until the law allows the basics, though. And yes, there's a HUGE number of pitfalls and problems with that NEXT step... but the first step is to allow Amateurs to continue to do what we do best... experiment.
The Internet has already figured these questions out -- how to authenticate people, and to reserve shared infrastructure for only those authorized to use it... unfortunately, we're limited by the law into NOT being able to even try things on the Amateur bands...
Nate WY0X
-- Nate Duehr [email protected]