10 Sep
10 Sep
10:07 a.m.
Hi everyone,
I'm hoping the BB can help. I recently bought a new home. During the move, my wife asked me to bring a bag of trash out to our fire pit in the backyard. I burned the bag that night. The next morning, I checked for any hot coals, and realized that I was looking at a pile of QSL cards and my logbook that were reduced to ash! Almost all my cards from QSOs on AO-51, AO-27, SO-50, HO-68, and ISS were lost.
I'd like to ask if anyone could go through their log, and see if my call sign pops up, and e-mail the info to me. I'm not looking for anything for free, and am doing this on the honor system. If a card is sent, I'll resend mine. (The W1 bureau is good too), or I can hope for a match on LoTW.
Thank you & 73 - Paul KB1QYS