Hi Rizwan,
I note that the last few packets received in the SatNOGS network do not match this format. e.g. this observation: https://network.satnogs.org/observations/3600190/ (go to the data tab)
Note that the data packet shown there is the contents of the AX.25 frame, minus the frame check. The first few bytes are clearly an AX.25 address, and decode to DST: W5UL-1 SRC: W5UL-11 However apart from a little bit of ASCII text ("CAPE-3 W5UL-11") the rest of the data appears to be some binary format? DK3WN appears to have a decoder here ( https://www.dk3wn.info/files/cape3.zip ) but I'm not sure where he got his telemetry information from.
Could you perhaps provide some details on this binary format, since we are regularly receiving packets on the SatNOGS network, and it would be possible to put together a telemetry dashboard (e.g. like Bobcat-1's dashboard here: https://dashboard.satnogs.org/d/BFU00FHMz/bobcat-1?orgId=1 )
A link to observations which have seen signals from CAPE-3 are here: https://network.satnogs.org/observations/?future=0&bad=0&unknown=0&a...
The ones with valid data packets are marked as such in the 'results' column.
73 Mark VK5QI
On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 4:17 PM Rizwan Merchant [email protected] wrote:
Copy of the iGated packet we got an hour ago-ish:
W5UL-11>KF5BNL-7,WIDE2-2,qAO,W7KKE-13:*EMAIL [email protected] 3844, 3844, 3848, -110, 0, 0, 14, 13, 14, 3820, 108, 18, 17, 1, 1, 11, 40
Sincerely, Rizwan Merchant KF5BNL
On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 11:45 PM Rizwan Merchant [email protected] wrote:
Hello all,
Sorry I fell off the face of the Earth with emails. It's been a hectic time with moving into a new house and making regular trips between Louisiana and Texas to support the CAPE-3 Mission. Anyway let me provide a few quick answers:
1.) We are expecting UHF APRS on 437.325, the same as what our FSK and AX.25 packets are coming across on.
2.) From what I can tell, our NORAD ID is 47309.
3.) Currently we are having some issues commanding CAPE-3 from our University lab, so once we are able to transmit commands, we'll be able to set the APRS emails to come across more often, and begin experimenting the tweeting function to see if it works as we intended.
I'd like to thank everyone who's helped so far! We got our first email packet from W7KKE-13 earlier this evening.
Sincerely, Rizwan Merchant KF5BNL
On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 5:43 PM Pete vk2pet [email protected] wrote:
Hi Every one,
Does anyone have GNU radio flow chart all ready setup for igating CAPE-3 uhf aprs?
I have a b100 that I'm happy to use to get the packets of CAPE-3.
Located in SE Australia.
VK2PET. On 4/02/2021 8:17 am, Mark Jessop wrote:
No, it is not a 'standard' 70cm APRS frequency - that's going to vary from country to country, and would be outside of the satellite segment anyway.
CAPE-3 transmits on 437.325 MHz.
The SatNOGS network is getting packets fairly regularly: https://network.satnogs.org/observations/?future=0&bad=0&unknown=0&a...
73 Mark VK5QI
On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 12:14 AM Lynn W Deffenbaugh (Mr) [email protected] wrote:
For those of us not tracking the full details of the CAPE-3 satellite, what is the specific UHF frequency on which you'd like IGates to listen for packets? And also if you can include the satellite catalog number, it would assist in making sure I'm listening at the right pass times for my QTH. Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
On 2/2/2021 11:25 PM, Rizwan Merchant wrote:
Hello All,
I wanted to give a quick update on CAPE-3, and where we are in mission goals. However, first I'd like to thank everyone who has taken part in helping track CAPE-3 and gather data for us to analyze the state of the satellite in orbit. Without the wonderful support of the community, we might be still trying to capture enough information to determine our status.
So from all reports, it seems CAPE-3 is indeed healthy in orbit. Our power system seems to be working as intended and UHF transmitters seem healthy. However, we're suspecting the VHF radio is dead on arrival. We've not seen any indication of it functioning in orbit, which aligns with a fear we had prior to integration.
Using this information, our team is now devising plans to begin testing individual subsystems on the satellite to gauge the health of those. This might take a few more weeks to validate and provide an update on what capabilities we can still carry out, as we update our ground systems.
As reported in DK3WN's blog: https://www.satblog.info/new-cape-3-beacons/ we have seen reports of CAPE-3 attempting to email home with health data. However we have come across two issues with the APRS services our satellite performs (email and tweeting).
1.) Our satellite from what we can tell only has a functional UHF radio, and is able to transmit the packet correctly. However, we don't believe CAPE-3 will find many iGates listening on UHF frequencies to gate packets for it. If there are any operators out there with iGates I'd like to humbly request help in setting up a few UHF iGate stations in different areas to help gate our packets back into the APRS.
2.) We are not able to validate the email packets will reliably come out once every hour and half as we initially believed. Due to the way we designed the satellite, the APRS functions will be transmitted on whichever radio our satellite thinks is active. At current, CAPE-3 thinks it has a functional UHF and VHF, so there will most likely be many failed attempts made on VHF. We're hoping to gather enough data from email packet timestamps to figure out a new frequency of when email UHF packets will be sent out.
Once we're further in our testing and verification phase, we'll make attempts to shut down the VHF radio on the satellite to improve reliability of these functions.
Note these two functions are supported by custom software we're using to check APRS-IS feeds for our packets to email and tweet out. I'm planning to make a release of information to allow the community to test out this server, and am hoping to make that information public by this weekend. I'm running a few tests to make sure things still work as intended on the ground end in my free time in the evenings after work.
So if anyone is able to switch their iGates, or make a UHF iGate to help track CAPE-3 email packets, we'd be really grateful for the help! We've turned on one at our University as well.
Thanks all, I apologize if this email was wordy, but I felt it necessary to be fully transparent on what we're planning to do to help you help us with our mission goals. :)
Sincerely, Rizwan Merchant KF5BNL
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