Those who worked W2KGY on the 2035z pass of AO-51 on 13 June probably had a QSL card confirming the contact in their mailbox a few days later. KJ5HY was the operator and had no trouble hearing everyone who called for a contact.
I was going to send for this West Point QSL card but held off remembering that W3ADO at the Naval Academy never seemed to answer QSL card requests, even with an SASE. My card to West Point was in the mail back to them the next day. Check out their page for the history behind this station. The callsign dates back to 1937.
Interestingly, W2KGY is a Military Recreation Station while W3ADO is a club station not unlike your local radio club. Military Recreation Stations are not eligible for vanity call signs.
According to the FCC Rules and Regulations: "A military recreation station license is an amateur service station license granted only to a person who is the license custodian designated by the official in charge of the United States military recreational premises where the station is located. The person need not hold an amateur operator license grant."
Thank you to KJ5HY for activating their satellite station. Your service to our Country is very much appreciated. It was a honor to confirm our contact.
73, John K8YSE