22 Dec
22 Dec
8:48 a.m.
For a high elevation, the pass seemed short. I didn't get any packets in, but I received the following:
Fm KD8ATF-2 To CQ Via ANDE-1* <UI pid=F0 Len=20 >[08:19:58] HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDE
Fm ANDE-1 To BEACON <UI pid=F0 Len=39 >[08:20:01] T#005,145,147,141,151,151,10101111,000
Fm ANDE-1 To APRS3 Via SGATE <UI pid=F0 Len=57 >[08:20:05] :BLN3ANDE :Aliases are RELAY, WIDE,APRSAT,ARISS & WIDEnN
Fm KB1NBU To CQ Via ANDE-1* <UI pid=F0 Len=49 >[08:20:16] Seasons greetings from the Green Mountains FN34ti
Fm KB1NBU To CQ Via ANDE-1* <UI pid=F0 Len=26 >[08:20:25] :KB1GVR :Merry Christmas
Kevin N2JPE
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