We have an amazing group of individuals attending the Symposium this year. There are amateur radio operators coming from all over the world.
There are people who have played key roles in the development and successful missions of the past and future. People who represent worldwide projects, not just AMSAT-NA will be there.
Some of the most active operators in the US will be in attendance. A few of the attendees have already received their IARP so they can operate from aboard the ship.
Many attendees are traveling with their families and friends.
This is a unique venue. Things may be different than in past Symposiums. Come with an open mind and be prepared to meet a lot of interesting people. The presentation schedule, soon to be published, is a little lighter than in past years (10 on the docket.) That being said, multiple projects are underway and there will be plenty to discuss.
See you there,
73 Clayton W5PFG
On 10/4/2016 08:47, Chad Phillips wrote:
Greetings all. I have not seen much chatter on the BB about the Symposium and just wondering who all here is going?
We are. This will be my first one and am looking forward to it.
Chad KG0MW En-13