Hello All,
Greetings. In an effort to test a new autobaud selection feature in FoxTelem 1.03, the Operations Team will be conducting some experimental sessions with AO-85 next week (Dec. 29 and 30, 2015).
Telemetry collectors in/near the US are encouraged to participate and help with testing the autobaud selection feature by installing the 1.03 test version available here: http://amsat.us/FoxTelem/test/
I suggest you do a clean/fresh install in a new folder so you can always go back to 1.02 if you prefer. (It's possible to upgrade only the new files, but if you have to ask how, you'd better not do it ;))
You'll see a new "Auto" button option, next to the Low and High speed buttons; use it.
Specifically, during the following passes we'll be switching from the current voice transponder operation with low speed telemetry, to high speed telemetry (Note: in high speed mode, voice operations are OFF). The switches will take place about every minute or two during the pass. Please avoid making contacts during these testing periods.
29.12.2015 AO-85 11:19 11:32 UTC 29.12.2015 AO-85 13:00 13:12 UTC
30.12.2015 AO-85 11:45 11:59 UTC
During 2016, two or three more Fox satellites are planned for launch into orbit, and these birds will need to operate in high speed data mode from time to time to download space photos, experimental data, etc. Taking advantage of some in orbit testing with Fox-1A/AO-85 will be very helpful to the further development of the FoxTelem ground station software. All the thanks go to Chris Thompson AC2CZ for his extraordinary efforts on the telemetry software (both client and server side)!
Feedback about your experiences will be appreciated. Email to the list is preferred so all can learn.
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]