Almost this entire treatise is based on ignorance of the facts in my estimation so far as "AMSAT the satellite building" organization goes. Much more informed people than I can comment on the ARISS projects. I just enjoy what has been accomplished kin ARISS technically, educationally, etc.
Suitsat 2, even in its Suitless Sat version is not really designed for more than toss out the door kind of lifetime. You can take my word for it or not, I don't care if you do or not. I just claim it is so.
Given that you take my word for it, I suggest that it is the PERFECT use of the technology that is in the current design. It will accomplish several things (besides getting me to put my antennas back on the roof). We will have shown we can integrate a simple satellite and renew our standing with NASA as a satellite building entity. We are not going to get a suit in a timely fashion (they tossed them overboard before we even knew it was happening almost).
We are building an almost completely new cadre of people who are working on this with some help (but not a lot) from the OF's (I am including myself in the OF category). We needed the kick in the pants by the team putting this together.
We cannot buy a launch for love nor money and we either sit around and watch our organization dwindle, accomplish nothing, or we do SOMETHING with our time and talents. This thing cost a tiny amount of money, not a lot more than flying a few people around.
This has provided a spark that was needed. That is more than enough to justify it in my opinion.
I congratulate all involved for moving this forward and finding a way to turn lemons into lemonade.
I am not the only person bemoaning the lack of ability to get a launch. All involved are there. I have said here before we have a built P3 spacecraft with no ride. We do something with what we are given, or we shrivel up and give up.
Thank you for allowing me my $0.02
73's Bob N4HY
MM wrote:
Don’t Fly Suit-Sat to the International Space Station
The International Space Station will be retired in 20015-2016. We do not have much time left, before NASA pulls the plug! We need your help to convince NASA, ESA and RSA to send more Long term educational projects to ISS and to not send short term disposable Toss-Satellites projects such as the Suit-Sat-2 to ISS.