Sorry for the delay, I have the recorded QSO´s done from EL60 and EL61, all will upload to LotW with with call XE1AO Let me know if some of you need the printed QSL card or if someone was missing, I can check again the audios. Thank you.
AO-27 14 jul 2012 EL61 ISLA MUJERES IOTA NA-045
K4FEG 18:14 UTC WA4NVM 18:14 UTC CO6CBF 18:14 UTC NX9B 18:15 UTC KB1RVT 18:15 UTC AC0RA 18:16 UTC N8MS 18:16 UTC XE3ISS 18:16 UTC WA5KBH 18:17 UTC N5UXT 18:17 UTC
XE1HG 19:48 UTC
SO-50 EL61 15 JUL 2012
CO6CBF 00:26 UTC XE1YMY 00:27 UTC K5OE 00:29 UTC NX9B 00:32 UTC N9AMV 00:33 UTC
AO-27 EL60 XCARET 15 JUL 2012
XE1HG 19:26 UTC CO6CBF 19:27 UTC AC0RA 19:27 K4TB 19:27 UTC
SO-50 16 JUL 2012 EL61
CO6CBF 23:42 UTC K4FEG 23:44 UTC N8RO 23:44 UTC K4MOA 23:45 UTC W5PFG 23:45 UTC KD4EQA 23:46 UTC
Regards Omar XE1AO DK89df
******************************** M.C. Omar Alvarez Cárdenas Facultad de Telematica, U de C 316 1075 ********************************